Why is a website important and why?

As a result of the widespread use of smartphones, people are now reaching the information they want to access over the internet. When they want to learn about a subject, product, brand, institution or person, they turn to source websites via search engines.

Although social media accounts are widely used, websites are a more effective method as a reliable source. In this sense, a brand, person or business that has a website; It is more advantageous than its non-website competitors in terms of providing professional image. It offers the image that it is better in terms of institutionalization or professionalization.

The website offered not only to the target audience or potential customers to be reached, but also to the target audience to interact with (existing customers or followers), also earns points in competition in terms of prestige.

Nowadays web sites; It has become one of the most effective tools to represent businesses, brands, services or individuals in a virtual environment. For a store selling products, it has created an environment that sells more than a physical store. The website is an effective tool for bringing a brand or person to the target audience that they cannot reach physically due to space and time constraints.
The website is a bi-directional tool that provides both reaching the target audience and reaching the target audience. Moreover, the information provided on the website is created in accordance with the initiative of the institution or individual that owns the website. Information about the goals and who they are can be explained to people more effectively through the website.

Today, many businesses expand their target audience thanks to their individual or brand websites, and reach their target audiences with more effective and affordable costs through SEO studies and internet advertisements.

. It is more cost effective than classical methods (brochure, catalog, etc.).
. It provides the opportunity to reach more people on the internet with lower costs.
. The information provided on the website can be updated as often as the site owner deems it appropriate.
. The website owner will also have the email address with the extension in the website’s domain name. In this way, an e-mail address; It offers a more serious and corporate image than the mail addresses offered by popular mail services such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yandex.